Dragon Gate is a top-down platformer following a koi carp scaling the Yellow River. The inspiration of the game is taken from Chinese tradition where silver carp swim upstream then leap the falls of the Yellow River at the Dragon Gate. They would then be transformed into a dragon after leaping into the sky.
This game was made in a team of 6 for the 2020 Jamfuser Games Jam, where I was the Lead Programmer for the team. I used ClickTeam to build and code the game. I worked on Dragon Gate for an entire weekend and really enjoyed polishing and developing such a small yet functional game with a motivated team.
Link to Itch.io page -> https://ronchofuser.itch.io/dragongate

Software Utilised

I used Clickteam Fusion and its scripting language to programme and develop the game with the second programmer in the team.
Clickteam Fusion Engine
My Involvement
Game Scripting
During the games jam, I was in charge of programming the character controller and level systems whilst overlooking at the secondary programmer's work, to ensure the game was put together appropriately.

Final Work