PRISMA RUN VR is an action-packed shooter VR game where you are a special type of entity made up of tertiary colours and have been kidnapped and stripped of your special colours by hostiles. Colour is sparse in this world and you are only one of few entities with the ability to naturally have tertiary colours. Most people in this world are made of primary colours and very few people are made of secondary colours. Your objective is to create a tertiary portal (which allows you to travel anywhere) and escape! Find the right colours through the doors of the experimental labs and correctly combine them to make your escape!
This was a group project where I was tasked to work independently on the design of a game by creating an informative poster. The final assessment required me to work with another colleague where we decide which game we were going to prototype.

Play Through Video
Software Utilised

I developed the game using Unity Engine and programmed it in C# language.
Unity Engine

Oculus Integration
I used Oculus's SDK for Unity to implement all the virtual reality features for the player to be able to move and interact with objects that have physics.
Game Design
During the design stage I made level designs and a list of mechanics which I wanted to implement for Prisma Run. I also used the design stage to start designing the colour systems for the game (e.g. Colour Alternator System).

My Involvement
Game Programming
During the development stage, I worked on the main systems and core/meta mechanics for the game.

Informative Game Poster
Prior to the implementation of the prototype, I designed an informative poster to showcase and provide more information on what would be included in the game.

Personal Evaluation
Final Work