Quantum Shift is a 2.5D portal-hopping adventure game where you are trapped in a dimension and need to escape. The only way to escape is through the Trans-Dimensional Portal, which is broken and needs to be fixed. The bosses in each realm drop the necessary items used to fix the portal.
This was a team project in a team of 4 where we spent 6 months developing and finalising the game. During the development stages, I used Scrum Methodology to successfully work on this project with the team. During this project, I was the Scrum Master for the first and final sprint. I programmed the game along with the other team members and assisted with the implementation of assets.

Play Through Video
Software Utilised

Clickteam Fusion Engine


Microsoft Excel
I used Clickteam Fusion and its scripting language to programme and develop the game with the rest of my team.
During the 6 month period, I used the Scrum Framework via Scrumwise to organise and lead different tasks which were completed throughout dedicated Sprints.
I used Microsoft Excel to organise work and produce the Numeric Systems for the game.
Game Design
During the design process, I was in charge of working on the first level (Ruby Dimension) where I designed the layout, combat and final boss systems. Below are a few screenshots of Ruby Dimension during the development stages.

My Involvement
Game Scripting
During the design process, I was in charge of working on the first level (Ruby Dimension) where I designed the layout, combat and final boss systems. Below are a few screenshots of Ruby Dimension during the development stages.

Final Work