Taxi Mayhem is a three-dimensional (3D) crazy first-person shooter virtual reality (VR) game inspired by Coaster Combat and Pistol Whip, where you play as a taxi driver who must traverse through different cities and drop off as many passengers at a time, whilst under attack from rival taxi drivers, to earn enough money to travel to the next city. It is your job to help your passenger reach their destination on time, however, you are not the only taxi driver with this goal. Your taxi company has risen in the ranks, which is great for business, but all the other taxi drivers want you dead. You must survive the journey and ensure your passengers’ safety the entire ride. The player will experience a variety of cultural levels across the globe, but it will not be a smooth ride. You must use your skills: hacking, shooting, and teleporting, to the best of your ability to survive.
This was my Solo Dissertation Project where I spent an entire academic year working on the design and development of the game.

Play Through Videos
Software Utilised

I developed the game using Unity Engine and programmed it in C# language.
Unity Engine

Oculus Integration
I used Oculus's SDK for Unity to implement all the virtual reality features for the player to be able to move and interact with objects that have physics.
Games Design Document
Game Pitch
Literature Review
Final Work